Montana Has It Right On Second Amendment – Chuck Baldwin
According to ABC News (Feb. 25, 2009), “The Obama administration will seek to reinstate the assault weapons ban that expired in 2004 during the Bush administration, Attorney General Eric Holder said...
View ArticleHow The UN Can Repeal, Destroy US Way Of Life
Mr. Bolton cautioned that the rights of American citizens to bear arms might be sacrificed in the haze of diplomatic negotiations leading to treaties at the U.N. Our basic rights are on the line if...
View ArticleDumb, Dumber And Dumbest
The positions of most urban liberals on firearms are dumb, dumber and dumbest. It is dumb to suppose that the way to decrease crime is to make sure all potential victims of violent crime are disarmed....
View ArticleMSM: Militia hangout at Monroe gun range?
The shooting range, located on farmland along Ben Howard Road outside Monroe, is described in court papers as being called the “Militia Training Center” and frequented by members of anti- government...
View ArticleGun Control: What Is the Agenda?
(Paul Craig Roberts) – Some years or decades ago I researched and reported on the Sullivan Act, one of America’s first gun control laws. New York state senator Timothy Sullivan, a corrupt Tammany Hall...
View ArticleFear over Obama’s gun laws sparks massive rush to pack a pistol
Last summer, the National Rifle Association ran adverts claiming that Barack Obama would “ban the manufacture, sale and possession of handguns” if elected. The campaign didn’t do much for John McCain,...
View ArticleLong Islanders: Why we're getting more guns
As questions about gun rights swirl around the nomination of a new Supreme Court Justice, and debate continues over attempts in Congress to make it easier to carry concealed weapons state-to-state, an...
View ArticleRise in militias, 'lone wolf' militants alarms officials
(RawStory) – Militia groups with gripes against the government are regrouping across the country and could grow rapidly, according to an organization that tracks such trends The stress of a poor...
View ArticleVideo: Chris carries AR-15 Rifle at Obamabot Rally
Please help spread the video. We went down to the Obama staged Healthcare rally and our buddy Chris rolled down there with his AR-15 and his 9mm.(RP4409 <- youtube channel) –...
View ArticleACLU Lobbyist Larry Frankel Found Dead in Washington
Longtime Pennsylvania ACLU lobbyist and Executive Director Larry Frankel, who in the last year or so has become the lobbyist for the national ACLU, has apparently been found dead in Washington under...
View ArticleThe hunt is on for more ammunition in Nevada, U.S.
Supply can’t keep up with demand, a trend that began after election By MIKE BLASKY LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL video, slide show New Zealand tourist Nathan Dewar, left, shows his target to range safety...
View ArticleVideo: AK-47 – The Ultimate Resistance Rifle
The AK-47 is one of the most popular and easily recognized firearm in the world. Over 50 armies along with hundreds of resistance movements use the weapon. There have been over 50,000,000 AKs produced...
View ArticleMSM: Russia building arms plants in Venezuela
(Reuters) – Russia is building arms plants in Venezuela to produce AK-103 automatic rifles and cartridges and is finalizing contracts to send 53 military helicopters to the Andean nation, Moscow’s...
View ArticleVideo: Alex Jones Tv – Potential False Flag Attack To Be Blamed On Muslims...
A possible false flag terror attack to be blamed on Muslims has been foiled after a Navy vet was busted with a grenade launcher, assault rifles and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, as well as Arab...
View ArticleVideo: Passengers grabbed Israeli weapons to stop the killing
After seeing passengers shot at close range they tried to grab the weapons to stop the killing. Kenneth Nichols O’Keefe was later beaten by the Israelis. A US war veteran said yesterday he confronted...
View ArticleVideo: JFK Assassination Cover-Up Blown Sky High
(KurtNimmo) – It is a story the corporate media, with the notable exception of one lone Fox News affiliate, refuses to report. A former FBI agent, Don Adams, has compelling evidence Lee Harvey Oswald...
View ArticleEPA Surrenders to NRA on Gun Control Issue
(USNews&WorldReport) – In a swift and unexpected decision, the Environmental Protection Agency today rejected a petition from environmental groups to ban the use of lead in bullets and shotgun...
View ArticleNYPD begins gun confiscation – preps for next Holocaust
(NNN) - New Yorkers are about to get steam rolled again by their esteemed leadership… check this out… If you, live in New York and LEGALLY bought a rifle or shotgun that was capable of holding 5 or...
View ArticleFrothing Panic On School Bus Over ‘Power Ranger’ Toy Gun
Driver Calls Police After Student Mentions the word “rifle” (SteveWatson) – It’s been at least a week since someone had a blind panic over something vaguely resembling a gun, so here we go again. A...
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